Arty Vim Street

poetry, lyrics, thoughts & wisdom (short stories)

author, daniel j. rocca

Author Daniel J. Rocca is always searching for answers. He’s a pursuer of knowledge and growth, a person continually wanting to become more. Spend some time with him and you’ll soon realize that he lives with his heart out in the open, expressing his emotions freely and openly for all to see and hear. He’s a very friendly and likeable person that’s very social; he love’s getting to know people. As you can imagine this spirit has caused him many vulnerabilities. While he smiles and laughs often, lives with gratitude and encourages positive thought, action and communication …hurt, pain and disappointment have not eluded his life.

As with every life, Daniel’s has been a very educational journey. Not just through school, classes, books and/or various other learning vehicles but also through experiences, through life lived. Joy and pain along with victory and defeat have shown themselves in Daniel’s life using many faces. Compassion has played a big roll, understanding has proven to be vital …and while love has been the cause for so much celebration in his life, it has also been the underlying reason for extensive heartache. These are his inspirations writing. He pours out is heart and soul in words and in doing so releases through the process.

Daniel is genuinely thankful that you’ve taken the time to visit and hopes that you enjoy reading Arty Vim Street and any of the other books he’s written to date. He likes hearing from his readers and would appreciate any/all positive feedback.