Arty Vim Street

poetry, lyrics, thoughts & wisdom (short stories)

“Well written Daniel Rocca. It hits the emotions and heart within ourselves that no one sees. Daniel, you have such power in your words. Thank you for sharing them. I fall short without my JESUS. I am thankful for HIS grace and mercy. May these words touch the hearts which need to hear them have such a beautiful shining spirit Daniel. Thankful am I- that you share your words to encourage, uplift and inspire more than just me. Daniel, you have such power in your words. Thank you for sharing them. I fall short without my JESUS. I am thankful for HIS grace and mercy. May these words touch the hearts which need to hear them have such a beautiful shining spirit Daniel. Thankful am I- that you share your words to encourage, uplift and inspire more than just me. Well written Daniel Rocca. It hits the emotions and heart within ourselves that no one sees. Daniel, you have such power in your words. Thank you for sharing them. I fall short without my JESUS. I am thankful for HIS grace and mercy. May these words touch the hearts which need to hear them have hich need to hear them have hich need to hear them have hich need to hear them have” —Michael Zapotocky

book reviews...

“Well written Daniel Rocca. It hits the emotions and heart within ourselves that no one sees. Daniel, you have such power in your words. Thank you for sharing them. I fall short without my JESUS. I am thankful for HIS grace and mercy. May these words touch the hearts which need to hear them have such a beautiful shining spirit Daniel. Thankful am I- that you share your words to encourage, uplift and inspire more than just me.Daniel, you have such power in your words. Thank you for sharing them. I fall short without my JESUS. I am thankful for HIS grace and mercy. May these words touch the hearts which need to hear them have such a beautiful shining spirit Daniel. Thankful am I- that you share your words to encourage, uplift and inspire more than just me. Well written Daniel Rocca. It hits the emotions and heart within ourselves that no one sees. Daniel, you have such power in your words. Thank you for sharing them. I fall short without my JESUS. I am thankful for HIS grace and mercy. May these words touch the hearts which need to hear them have ” —Michael Zapotocky