Arty Vim Street

poetry, lyrics, thoughts & wisdom (short stories)

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ordering information

author: Daniel J. Rocca
book title: Arty Vim Street
publisher: Eloquent Books
format: Soft Cover
size / pages: 5.5 x 8.5 - 355 pages
SRP: $19.95
ISBN: 978-1-60860-471-5
ISBN / SKU: 1-60860-471-3 .

Signed Author Copies

Autographed Copies with a Personal Note...

Please send us an email via our contact page with your specific request and either Daniel or a representative will get back to you promptly. Cost is: $27.50 per signed copy (price includes signed book + S & H)

If you would like a special note please include what you would like written. Please allow 2 to 6 weeks for delivery.