Arty Vim Street

poetry, lyrics, thoughts & wisdom (short stories)

The Importance of the Cover

The cover of a book is so important. It visually explains the book (or at least it’s supposed to). With Arty Vim Street (which signifies Creative Verve) was important to me that a special coffee shop (Cafe Carissimo, in Redondo Beach, CA) that I used to frequent was highlighted.

The picture depicts a corner in Downtown Redondo Beach, California (it’s the corner of Avenue I and Catalina Avenue). There was a coffee shop on the bottom floor (Cafe Carissimo) was a place I frequented nearly every day during a period of my life. I had a business upstairs (CreatiVerve) and I met my friends, associates and possible new business prospects at this location nearly every day. It was my home away from home... and it was that for a lot of people.

It’s a time in my life that I will always remember. Much growth took place at this exchanging place... many life’s crossed. I hope that all of the people I met at Carissimo’s are doing well and that life has been great for them. It’s been many years since we all met... but hearts remember

—Daniel J. Rocca

the cover art...

How the Cover was Created

Daniel sketched out a version of what he wanted the cover to look like (he wanted a water color style cover) ...that sketch along with a few creative directions were delivered to Facundo Cureses (an amazing Artist and friend of the Author) ...who within a few days had delivered a rough draft. After a few communications between the two ...Facundo delivered the cover art as you see it. The text was then added by KJ at Strategic Book Publishing.

The creation of this cover caused Daniel to redesign the cover of Love’s Crooked Road. Working with Facundo brought the covers to life and is something that Daniel looks forward to doing with all of his future books.