Arty Vim Street

poetry, lyrics, thoughts & wisdom (short stories)


Daniel, your poetry crosses many life paths and perspectives, it seems as if you’re experienced in and write about a myriad of topics. Do you have a favorite feeling area or heart inspiration that you like to creatively draw from?


From my viewpoint, I feel as if I write from the area of brokenness most often. I don’t exactly consider it my favorite place to be but it’s a place I find much inspiration. From a hurt heart, from loss and various realizations of defeat I seem to find healing expressions. While connecting or reconnecting with sad and/or depressed moments, memories or feelings can be extremely hard …it can also be very stimulating and freeing.

To best answer your question… I would say that while I feel my favorite area of life to draw from would be found in instances surrounding hope, optimism, victory, joy, love, peace, freedom and belief… I have also experienced much growth and release from writing within the pains and sorrows I’ve experienced. I do believe that there’s a gift awaiting a writer, when he or she is able to tap into past hurts.

frequently asked questions...


Daniel, in Love’s Crooked Road & Arty Vim Street, there are scriptures from the Bible at the end. While both of these books include wonderful writings, neither of these is spiritually based. Why do you include scripture at the end of your books?


I choose scriptures to share at the end of the books I’ve written to both inspire readers and to show my appreciation to GOD. I’m very thankful for life and the many gifts He’s shown me… I’m very thankful for words.

Without the Lord, there would be no hope. I want to share that hope, so that others might come to embrace it. It’s all about Jesus. There’s nothing that I could ever accomplish that would change that, but in sharing that truth maybe it could touch just one life. I’m happy that individuals enjoy reading my poetic-short stories, but the most important book that we could ever read is the Bible. I hope to inspire many to read it; that’s where the answers are. God is good (all the time).